Friday, February 23, 2007

Cibubur is in Jakarta

Why the hell there are some idiots that thought Cibubur isn’t part of Jakarta? If Cibubur not part of Jakarta, how come my address is Cibubur, Jakarta Timur 13720. Not that I’m proud of Jakarta, I’m not too excited live in Jakarta, especially if Jakarta have a cagey governor, Sutiyoso.

When Jakarta drowning by flood in 2002, people request Sutiyoso to resign his position, and I still remember what Sutiyoso said in TV to defend himself. He said “Saya tidak akan berhenti dari posisi gubernur Jakarta jika Jakarta masih banjir (I won’t resign from governor position if Jakarta still have flood)”. And he did!!! He never resigns from his position, by keeping Jakarta having flood again in 2007! Almost all over Jakarta drowning, many people cannot go work because their house is drowning or the flood also attacks their access to office. And no wonder another Sutiyoso’s big plan, “Transjakarta Bus Way” that has been recently launched suddenly stopped their operation when flood attacks.

Thank God Cibubur is safe from the big flood, although it was isolated because every access to Jakarta is drowning. Maybe some idiots don’t admit that Cibubur is part of Jakarta because Cibubur is not drowning from flood. That’s why people thought that Jatiwaringin (my brainless ex boyfriend’s home) or Jatiasih are part of Jakarta because that place definitely attacked by flood, whereas it isn’t part of Jakarta but it is in West Java.

People sometime mixed up between Cibubur and Cileungsi. Cibubur is in East Jakarta, while Cileungsi is in Depok that is in West Java. But not everybody known Cileungsi, so people in Cileungsi usually said that they live in Cibubur. And also because many real estate in Cileungsi using the word Cibubur to locate their place, such as Kota Wisata, Legenda Wisata, Raffles, Sriwedari, The Address etc, they usually adding the word Cibubur in their real estate name. Plaza Cibubur and Cibubur Junction, these two big shopping malls also using the word Cibubur, but actually both of it are domicile in West Java not Jakarta.

Even Cibubur did not experience how to overcome flood, I still have empathy to those people that their home is drowning by flood. While Sutiyoso just laughing and said that flood is usual, because flood not only attack Jakarta but also attacked other city in Indonesia. Wow, how could he said that and defend himself about his disability maintaining Jakarta to be a beautiful city. He doesn’t event make effort to prevent Jakarta from flood and make this catastrophe to be a usual routine event.

So, do I proud to be Jakarta’s citizen? I don’t think so, but what can I say, Cibubur is still part of Jakarta… Like it or not, I’m still living in Jakarta.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Inspired with ridiculous story that I watched this evening in TV, I am wondering what couple is. At first, since my childhood I thought couple is a pair of people that love each other, know each other - I mean really know each other, from the way of thinking, attitude, personality and what is inside their partner’s heart, so they never miss anything about their partner -, care about each other, support each other and tolerate each other if one of them making mistake.

But in this movie, many surprising scenes came up. I don’t know which one is the couple, this movie consist of 3 role, 2 actresses and 1 actor. Does this movie tell us about Love Triangle? I don’t think so. Cause the actresses are in love with each other, and also in love with the man, but one of the actresses is the man’s wife. The man is in love with both actresses. One actress want to kill someone, I little bit confused which one she want to kill. The movie also make us wondering, which one will defend whom. At the end they kill each other, only 1 role is survive, that is wife that have physical disability.

I don’t know what the moral of this movie is. But it makes me realize that my thought about couple is really wrong. Couple is full of mystery, if only mystery it does not make me paranoid, but what about if couple full of backstabbing each other? Because in many cases (including my own experience) inharmonious couple, at the end can be opponent of each other, they become enemy if they don’t have strong foundation in their relationship.

Asal nulis nih, siapa tahu akhirnya gue dapet ijin masang Ad sense kalo nulis linggis. Jadi harap maklum kalo linggisnya brantakan ya…

Monday, January 15, 2007

God, that statement just really knock me…

Tulisan ini sebenarnya merupakan lanjutan dari postingan Laptop Sakit, 24 November 2006, ditulis di akhir November di saat-saat Stock Opname. Tulisan ini sempat menghilang tercecer entah ke mana, jadi walaupun mungkin udah basi... tapi setelah ketemu, gue posting aja deh...

Seperti yang gue ceritain di Laptop Sakit itu, emang hari itu Sabtu yang panjang. Kejadian tersebut terjadi di pagi hari. Siang harinya, seharusnya gue dan Agus dateng ke resepsinya mantan cowo gue itu, namun gue berpikir ulang, “Siapa gue? Diundang aja nggak kok, toh gue masih ngantuk banget.”. And then gue mandi, dan bobok-bobok-an sebentar sampai Agus datang dengan motornya. Di kamar, nerusin penginstalan aplikasi-aplikasi ke Rx3417 gue. Setelah selesai instal ada telepon, dan Agus pun sibuk mencetak-cetuk PDA gue di kamar.

Nur Rakhman yang menelepon. Dia sedang gundah gulandah jadi jomblo. Hmmm cukup membingungkan mengingat gue dan Agus di satu kamar sama-sama jomblo dan ga ngerasa ada masalah. Namun ada kata-kata Nur yang mengena di gue sebagai perempuan yang membuat gue sedikit berpikir kebenarannya.

Gue kan jelek Ndah, sebagai cowo jelek, mana ada cewek yang suka. Berhubung gue jelek gue mesti tajir. Biar cewek suka sama gue. Cewe-cewe sekarang kan pada pinter tanpa gue bilang juga tau siapa aja yang tajir.

Kesimpulan yang aneh, tapi sudah jelas bahwa justru target pasar dia adalah cewe-cewe yang hanya memandang dari materi semata. Sayang aja kalau sudah menargetkan seperti itu.

Tapi dia ada benarnya juga. Selama ini orang yang gue pertahanin mati-matian. Benar-benar gue pertahanin, kaya’nya cuma gara-gara dia memiliki fisik yang bagus… Rela direndahkan sampai terseok-seok padahal gue udah benar-benar disia-siakan. Nah itu lah kebodohan gue sebagai perempuan.

Then… tau ada perempuan cantik dan manis di kamar gue, si Nur minta diswitch untuk ngomong sama Agus.

So, benarkah kata si Nur, perempuan itu kalo nggak ngeliat fisik, yang diliat ketajiran si cowok. Gimana dengan sikap? Kecocokan? Intelegensia?

Tapi yang jelas, baik cewek dan cowok saling memenuhi. Kalau si cowo mencari cewe cantik yang menargetkan diri untuk cowok tajir. Maka pasti dengan mudah dia akan mendapatkannya. Karena banyak juga perempuan yang mempercantik diri demi mendapatkan cowo tidak ganteng yang kaya.

Mohon maaf jika ada yang tersinggung…
Cerita sabtu tersebut belum selesai, sabtu masih panjang.. sabtu sore akan saya ceritakan di postingan berikutnya.